15 tips to keep computer viruses and malwares at bay.

Avoid getting your computers infected by viruses, spywares and protect your personal information from hackers by following these simple tips:
1- Do not respond to unwanted or spontaneous emails.
2- Do not buy anything that was recommended by a junk e-mail.
3. Never click on links titled “urgent email”.
4. Never respond to an email requesting personal or confidential information.
5- Know that your bank will never ask for personal information through e-mail.
6- Use complex, hard to guess passwords (mix of numbers and letters, lower and upper case).
7. Use different passwords for each of your online accounts.
8- Never save passwords on a computer.
9- Do not install suggested by websites you browse programs.
10. Do not use a USB  key from an unknown origin.

11- Lock access to your computer when away..
12. Protect access to your smartphone and set it to auto lock.
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13. Any  unknown request on social network, think of it as “spam”
14. Beware of banners on websites claiming that “you are the millionth visitor” or the winner of a “great price”.

15- Use antivirus software.


If you do need any help with virus removal, malware and spyware protection or to perform a security audit for your computers and networks contact Vancouver Computer Repair Services

604 637 1276


About Francois Koro

Vancouver computer Repair Services ... ... Your local computer & network repair service...... .... A local, friendly and efficient computer / network repair and support service based in Vancouver, a complete peace-of-mind solution for all your technical problems.
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